[Kartbuilding] Kartbuilding(pictures)

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Thu Nov 2 10:38:24 GMT 2006

Hi Chris,

The kart took approximately 2-3months to build (working weekends etc.) and 
costed approx 100-200 euros for the materials. The engine would cost a 
further 100 euros and the wheels may cost more again.

There are CAD drawings of various kart plans at:

Best of Luck,

On Fri, 27 Oct 2006, Christian Schedl wrote:
> Hi,
> at first you know my english is not the best, but i try so good i can.
> I have some questions about your kart, exactly, the time to build and approximately the money you needed.
> By the way, if you have some helpfully pictures or CAD drawings feel free to mail me these.
> thanks in advance
> Chris

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