[Kartbuilding] Fwd: free racing kart plans

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 10:16:10 IST 2006


Thanks for your comments, they are very welcome.
In relation to the Break-down of the Racing Kart plans, yes I had (do)
hope to go through all of the components as in the pdf with the
labelled parts. Due to my current path in research, I wont have them
drawings extracted from my 3d model for 1/2 year even.
Your best bet is to use eDrawings to view the Kart. Did you know that
you can measure parts and everything on the 3d model in eDrawings.
The kart is very managable to get built over a period of 10 weekends - surely.
If you have any other questions, feel free to give us an email.
Best of Luck,

On 5/3/05, Street, Chipalo wrote:
> hey, I love your site!! It is by far the most complete site that I've come across, and some of the features like edrawings are just incredible.  Anyway, I basically wanted you to know that your site is well appreciated (at least by someone out there).
> I do have a question or two. I see that for the old racing cart plans you have broken down the assembly of each major piece of the kart into it's own picture illustrated section.  Will you be doing something similar for the new racing cart plans?   I see that there is a break down of the assembly of the cart, but they are not links.  Will there be subsections showing welds, CAD diagrams, or anything showing us how to put together each section of the kart? If so do you know how soon they will be posted?
> I would like to attempt to build this kart as a summer project.  Since I have an internship I will be working on the project during nights and weekends.  Is this a feasible project to complete on this time scale?
> Your input is greatly appreciated, Thanks
> Chipalo

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