[Kartbuilding] Fwd: Progress

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 11:20:38 IST 2006

Glad to hear things are going good with the kart. True, its only minor
about the brake drum, as it will only take some time in order to get
it sorted.
If your onto finishing and painting, then you definately must be well
on the way to getting it sorted.
I was at the stage you are at, and have drove the kart, without brakes
and any pedals!, just a cable from the engine as accelerator!
Best of Luck.
Do send on them pictures.

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 09:39:17 +1100, JENNINGS Trevor:
> Good morning Steve,
> Well this must be the best ever project that we have ever undertaken with it almost complete,
> the last hurdle being the brakes and the brake that I have is from a Yamaha 80 which is great however I don't have the hub only the braking mechanism.
> This creates a problem in a lot of machining to do in making/recreating a brake hub.
> These little treasures were only meant to try us !!!!
> Back to the main kart !! The majority of the machine is completed as far as the pedals are constructed and installed with the first coat of primer going on this weekend
> and all hands were on deck with a little more paint on them than I would have liked !!
> That's about it for now , I shall send some pics next message.
> Have a great week
> Regards
> T.J.

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