[Kartbuilding] go kart

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Mon Jun 18 10:07:58 IST 2007


Thanks for your email and your comments. Im glad you find the 
www.kartbuilding.net website interesting.

It took approximately 6-8 weekends to complete the racing go kart, having 
all the parts and materials sourced. The motorbike engine (GP100) cost 100 
euros. The materials and parts for the kart came to approximately 100 

If you have any other questions etc. just drop us an email.

Best of Luck,

  On Sun, 17 Jun 
2007, Hoang Nguyen wrote:

> Hello i was looking at your page and the go cart look very very interesting. well how much did it take you to built one of those racing go kart?
> ---------------------------------

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