[Kartbuilding] Racing Kart Plan Solidworks Models

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Mon Feb 18 23:12:55 GMT 2008

Hi Rob,

Sorry for the slow reply to your email.
Yes - the racing kart on http://www.kartbuilding.net/racingkart/index.html 
was not originally modelled in SolidWorks. The 2D drawings were all that 
was done using SolidWorks. The racing kart was originally modelled in 
Inventor 5.3. I have uploaded the zip file of the Inventor version of this 
kart. You can download it from:
Unforunately although SolidWorks opens Inventor parts and assemblies, it 
doesnt import the various design/feature tree history. You can download an 
Inventor viewer at:

There is an excellent version of a racing kart chassis modelled in 
SolidWorks on my blog at:

I am also currently in the process of modelling the off-road kart ( 
http://www.kartbuilding.net/Freeplans/plans.htm ) complete in SolidWorks. 
It will be another few months before I get the time to complete the 
assembly and drawings however.

Best of Luck,

On Mon, 11 Feb 2008, Robert Cuthbert wrote:

> Hello,
>     I am a student in ontario canada and am designing parts for a go-kart for my final project.  When you download the solidworks models everthing comes out as imported or surfaces.  Would it be possible to get the file for the frame with the extrusions and everything?  Thanks a lot.
>     Sincerely,
>               Rob

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