[Kartbuilding] Here is a link to what I affectionately call "CONDO KART"

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Thu Jan 31 22:20:55 GMT 2008

Hi David,

Thanks for your email. You brought back some memories of my younger days when I 
was out in the thick if it fixing and bodging karts! I too don't see as many 
youngsters playing with karts. Its a great education, fun and exciting. Perhaps 
apart from the law and cold weather keeping them in, it could also be their 
playstations etc. Although the places where I used to take my kart for a good 
spin are all redeveloped, with speed ramps in the industrial estates. I often 
wished I was back in the countryside where I grew up, as I would have endless 
fields to take the kart.

The 10hp riding lawnmower sounds good. Im sure it'll be no bother to you and no 
doubt it'll even bring back some more memories. Keeping a photo journal sounds 
very good! I would be very interested in following along with your build.

The best of luck with the bathroom first! Make sure the tiles are well on. It 
wouldnt do if they started coming off afterwards! Keep up the good work 
yourself too.

Talk again.

On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Ward, David W CTR NETPDTC, N634 wrote:

> Hello,
> My uncle and his sons build a couple of go karts from electrical
> conduit. The results were both fun and amusing.
> http://www.dandewebs.com/nottacushman/photoalbum/condocart/condocart.htm
> -----------------
> There were some teenage boys living in my neighborhood who were into
> carting. I would see them fly past my house in go karts that were
> clearly home grown.  One day I was coming home from work and saw several
> boys outside a garage working on karts. You should have seen their faces
> when I got out of my truck in my dress slacks and tie. I think half of
> them wanted to make a run for it thinking I was the fuzz!
> I took a look at what they were working on which happened to be putting
> a bigger motor into one of their karts. I told them that I thought what
> they were doing was great! We owe the street rods and race cars of today
> to the teenagers of yesteryears who grew up tinkering with go karts and
> mini bikes. I did caution them to be more careful when speeding around
> the neighborhood. Not all homeowners take the same view to go karts that
> I do.
> I haven't seen any karts go by lately, it could be the cooler weather,
> but it is most likely the long arm of the law keeping them in the
> garage. There use to be an ideal place to go and ride not too far from
> here,  but they closed down the trails recently due to protests from
> environmentalists. It seems that the pokadoted frogs were not able to
> move fast enough to keep from getting run over! Some would call them an
> endangered species, I call it natural selection.
> My 6.5 year old son loves his electric kart. It hits 20mph with him
> grinning ear to ear! It is a little prone to tipping especially on hard
> surfaces and I have plans to add a roll cage and safety harness to it.
> I have an old kart frame and plan to adapt an 10 hp down shaft riding
> lawnmower to it. I will keep a photo journal and post it when I get it
> done. Right now I am halfway through a bathroom remodeling job and to
> stop to work on a kart would mean certain death at the hands of my wife.
> :-)
> Well keep up the good work, I will be checking back often.
> Sincerely,
> Dave Ward

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