[Kartbuilding] Question from article

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Wed Jul 16 13:19:21 IST 2008

Hi Darin,

Thanks for your email.
If you are making the chassis wider, you will only need to modify the 
ackerman angle so that both steering arms point to the middle of the rear 
axle. ( see 
http://www.kartbuilding.net/racingkart/Old_Racing_Kart/ackerman.htm )
As for the track rods, it does not matter if they get longer or whether 
the steering-drop arm is in the middle. E.g.:

I hope this answers your question. If you have any other questions just 

Best of luck,

On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Darin Mays wrote:

> Hello,
> I read your article 
> (http://blog.kartbuilding.net/2007/07/12/steering-geometry-and-setup-for-go-karts/) 
> on steering geometry and have a question I'm hoping you can help me with. 
> I'm looking to build a two person go kart and have the steering wheel 
> centered in front of the driver, rather than the kart center (like a single 
> person kart would).  With this in mind, how, if at all, do I need to modify 
> the angle of the kin pins to achieve a true Ackerman angle?  Do both need to 
> keep the same angle, pointing to the center of the back axle?  Or do they 
> need to differ to adjust for the off-center steering wheel?
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
> -Darin

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