[Kartbuilding] pully system

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Tue Jun 8 00:01:09 IST 2010

Hi Dom.

You could certainly try and use the drive transfer box off the
self-propelled lawnmower. I successfully used the differential off a
self-propelled lawnmower and it worked fine. What did break it on me was
sharp acceleration I had due to the centrifugal clutch I was using at
the time. I also found it difficult, but workable to select a number of
pipes/tubes to build up and connect in the different size axles.

So my thoughts would be to use the self-propelled pully system and see
how it goes.
If you get it working, it would be great if you could email me on a
picture or two.

Best of luck,

On 27/05/2010 21:56, Dom Callovini wrote:
> Hi I'm building your wooden lawnmower go-kart and I have a lawnmower
> with the perfect engine, once I get it working again. The engine is a
> 5hp Briggs and Straton, front wheel self-propelled. I want to know
> would I be a ble to use the self-propell pully system instead? This
> system is similiar to your's and that it has a pully on the drive
> shaft of the mower that goes right above the axle and into a little
> box which the axle also goes through. Could I just use the same
> diameter axle and use that system?
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