[Kartbuilding] Racing Go Kart

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Mon Jun 28 22:52:01 IST 2010


Well, whatever engine you can get your hands on first :-)

Most engines can be adpated to power a go-kart. Keep away from lawnmower 
engines with vertical drive shafts as they are difficult to adapt.

If you want to keep it simple, look for a "general purpose engine" ( see: 
) I then suggest you look to get a "centrifugal clutch" which will allow 
you to keep the engine running while you start and stop the kart. See:

Best of luck,

On Sun, 27 Jun 2010, Mitchell McDonald wrote:

> I was looking into this go kart as a summer project and I was wondering what
> kind of engine i should use on it.  Thanks for the plans.

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