[Kartbuilding] (no subject)

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Wed Apr 27 21:33:42 IST 2011

Hi Patrick,

I got your email there to kartbuilding[at]gmail.com with pictures of the
plans from http://kartbuilding.net/Lawnmower_Powered_Wooden_Go-Kart_Plans/

If you have any specific questions, just let us know. If you manage to
get the kart made, feel free to email them on. A fellow kartbuilder
emailed on photos of this wooden kart that they made. There is also a
video of it too. You can see them at

Best of luck,

On 25/04/2011 17:09, Patrick Cassidy wrote:
> Patrick Cassidy
> patrickcassidyclan
> 08

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