[Kartbuilding] Fwd: Pedals

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 19:03:40 IST 2006

Hi Duncan,

The bolt which has the hole in it to accept the brake/throttle cable - can
be placed at what ever position up/down on the pedal. I does depend on how
much leverage and force is required.
What I found is that for the brake - the bolt was VERY high up to provide
leverage and make braking easier.
For the Throttle the bolt was only 1-2inches up the pedal - as little or
no force was required. Also for the throttle - a spring was required to
bring the pedal back to the stop position.

Best of Luck,

On Wed, 14 Jun 2006, Duncan Farthing-Nichol wrote:

> Your site has been wonderful so far and I have read everything at least three
> times.  With regards to the pedals, is the bolt to hold the throttle/brake
> cables welded to the top of the pedal (i.e. at the corner) or somewhere
> further down?  Thank-you for your time.
> -Duncan
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