[Kartbuilding] Fwd: Please tell me how to make a go kart

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 19:04:49 IST 2006


Im afraid I dont have time to write you a personal letter on how to build
a go-cart. I hope my website - www.kartbuilding.net might be able to
assist you, - it has detailed plans and steps on building a go-cart. If
you have a specific question - then I will try and answer.

Best of Luck,

On Sat, 3 Jun 2006, rahman zarif wrote:

> Hi my name is zarif. I am interseted in building a go cart. I would be using
> a generator as my engine.Please email me a detailed plan as to what parts and
> steps necessary to build a racing go cart.
> Thank you.


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