[Kartbuilding] Fwd: go kart plan qeustion

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 19:51:28 IST 2006

Im not sure what kart you are on about - racing kart or general purpose one.

For the General Purpose/ Off road kart, you shouldnt need any angles
and should be just radii togethor. You will have to draw out the frame
on a sheet of plywood or something similar in order to layout your
chassis pieces.

For the racing kart, I dont have the angles to hand.
You could try printing off the following pdf and measure the angles directly:

Or you can download the interactive 3d version of the racing kart here:
Down the bottom of the page is a exe version. You can zoom in on the
plan view of the kart and get the angles with a "measure" feature.

Best of Luck

> i was looking at the go kart plans u made and i was wondering if  u could
> tell the degrees on each bend please emailme at harkomal91 at hotmail.com
>                                                               thank you  \
>                                                                 ur plans
> are awsum

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