[Kartbuilding] Fwd: rear axle

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 10:25:11 IST 2006

Thanks alot and thanks for answering back so fast, you've been lots of
help. Thanks again....

Stephen Burke wrote:
I can see what you are talking about.
The bearings atached to the rear axle have "GRUB SCREWED" to the rear
axle. This is where a small bolt in the bearing is tightened onto the
rear axle. This stops the rear axle from moving from side to side
inside the bearing.

Another method, is to manufacture a "stepped" rear axle on a lathe.
This way, a shoulder can be put into the axle, whereby the bearing
keeps up flat against. The bearing on the right stops the axle from
sliding right, where the bearing and its shoulder on the left stops it
from sliding left.
Best of Luck

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 14:47:12 -0800 (PST), Azbel Morales
> Hello, I was looking at your site and it has been a big help to me. I wanted
> to e-mail you about a question that i'm having. I was wondering about the
> rear axle and how does it stays in place, I know it consist of bearings and
> cassettes for the bearings but the only think that i'm confused about is the
> how would you keep the axle from moving side to side if nothing is holding
> it in place, would'nt it go side to side and the wheel hubs would end up
> touching the chasse? Please write as soon as possible if you could answering
> my question. Thanks...

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