[Kartbuilding] Fwd: cart

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 11:10:09 IST 2006

Hi Mark,
The part on the left of the axle is a "brake disk" and the part on the
right is a "sprocket".

The "brake disc" can be got from a motorbike, preferably off a small
scooter/ moped.
The "sprocket" can also be gotten off a motorbike.
Both parts can be welded to the rear axle, using their housings.
The rear axle is simply a steel bar, and is not on any lawnmower or
other vehicle, cause they would just be too heavy.
A simple 2meter long 25mm diameter steel bar will do.

Brakes and sprockets are gotten of a motorbike.
You will have to make the axle yourself.

There are also further instructions on making a similar rear axle on
this page on my website:
Best of Luck

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 18:44:35 +1100 (EST), Mark Perkins
> A couple more questions.
> The part on the rear axle slightly left of centre, ie not the part that is
> grooved, is that part of the braked, and the part to the right of centre,
> with the teeth, that is the part connected to a chain and then the engine.
> Where should i look for a axle ie what type of vehicle would it  be possible
> to adapt one from eg ride-on mower.
> Could i get the part witth teeth of say a motorbike and weld it and its
> housing to the axle.
> Where do i get brakes, ie what type of vehicle.
> Mark

Hi Mark,

The kart modelled in 3d was taken from the racing kart plans in
photograph form which are also on my website. You should be able to go
through the following page and pick out all the required measurements.
The plans in photo form are at the following address on my website:

Best of Luck

On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 14:55:08 +1100 (EST), Mark Perkins
> Hi,
> My Name is Mark Perkins, im 16 and in yr 11 at school. I am looking to build
> a cart, like the one on your site that has the 3d view option, but i can't
> get it to work properly. I was wondering if you had a parts
> list/dimensions/order of construction etc, as i am unable to work out the
> measurements, but would like to build it, as it seems well designed.
> If you are able to help me out, please email back to me.
> Thanks,
> Mark Perkins.
> Australia

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