[Kartbuilding] A little help!

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Fri Oct 20 12:28:32 IST 2006


Some of the larger motorbikes actually have a reverse gear. This of course 
would be the easiest method, and would save you a load of work!

Apart from that - setting up a reverse gear depends on your setup. The 
easiest way is to get a small gearbox off a Ride-on (tractor) lawnmower. 
You will have to connect this up to the motorbike gearbox. This may require using 2 chains 
- and might be difficult to get working correctly. But it would work. It 
might take some time get get a nice neat & small gearbox to suit your 

If you want to buy a such gearbox - this website has one:

Best of Luck,

On Fri, 20 Oct 2006, Isuru Nawinne wrote:

> Can you please tell me a way to hav a reverse gear with a normal bike
> engine. A cheap way,of course.

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