[Kartbuilding] Sprocket (fwd)

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Tue Jan 2 14:04:43 GMT 2007

Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 05:49:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Sprocket


Thanks for the information.  I appreciate your help.  Hope you have a Happy New Year.


Stephen Burke wrote: Hi J.L.,

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I dont know off hand any online
vendors who supplies engine sprockets. A local FORD dealers/garage will
order in special parts for me if I have the correct type etc. Sprockets
and pulley wheels can be ordered as well. I suggest you look for a similar
main garage etc. as they should be able to order the same for you. A local
engineering supply store may also be able to order some custom sprockets
in for you.
The center of the sprockets is usually very small (dia 8mm or 1/5"), and
you have to drill the hole out yourself to the 1" diameter. You might be
able to order a sprocket with a 1" inside bore.

Best of Luck,

On Fri, 29 Dec 2006, J Lyczak wrote:
>  I found your website this evening and have a question for you.  While I am not building a go-cart, I am working on a project which I need to connect a small engine, 16 HP, to a driveshaft.  I am plan to use a chain and would like to know if you have a found a vendor who supplies an engine sprocket for a 1” shaft?
>  Thanks for you help.
>  j.L>

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