[Kartbuilding] Kart Plans

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Tue Mar 6 14:12:40 GMT 2007

Hi Jarad,

Various size engines can be used for the Kart plans. The engines for each 
of the 3 sets of kart plans are as follows:
1. Off-Road Kart Plans
 	This Kart supports the widest range of engine choices. Engines 
from 75cc and upwards to approximately 350 or 450cc will work without 
little modifications. Larger engines may need more support. Smaller 
engines (50cc) will require a lighter and more compact chassis to keep the 
weight down.

2. Racing Kart Plans
 	This Kart can support a good range of engines, however 
modifications will have to be made to the engine cradle in order to 
accomodate the engine. See: 
The overall width of the engine needs to be measured carefully as space is 
tight on this chassis.

3. Wooden Kart Plans
 	This kart uses a lawnmower engine of any size with a vertical 
drive shaft.

Best of Luck,

On Tue, 6 Mar 2007, Jarad Stormer wrote:
> What size motor are these plans for?
>  Thanks,
>  Jarad Stormer
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