[Kartbuilding] Hello I've read your website and I have a question. Thank you

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Wed May 9 09:04:08 IST 2007

Hi Miguel,

Yes - the chassis is made from metal/steel/iron tubes, mainly because it 
is easy to weld the pieces togethor with a welder. Any iron/steel tubing 
will do, as long as it is not too light with a thin thickness as this 
would cause it to bend very easily.

Best of Luck with the go-kart.

On Tue, 8 May 2007, miguel viaplana wrote:
> Hello Mr
>  I've been reading your website. I'm going to build a go kart as a project 
> for school, the question I have is that I don't know which material have you 
> used for the chasis (frame) the tubes? are of iron or what? Thank you, my 
> english is not very well becouse I'm spanish and I'm not very fluent.Yours 
> sincerely Miguel Viaplana

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