[Kartbuilding] Go kart

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Thu Sep 27 11:34:15 IST 2007


Yes - you can use a generator as a motor. Likewise, if you have a motor, 
and rotate the output shaft, it will generate electricity. They 
essentially are the same devices.

Best of Luck,

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, roseroberts wrote:

> My first go kart was electric. It used a car battery. The motor was a generator from an automobile. Up until about 25 years ago cars had generators which make direct current. If you hook a battery to one it becomes a motor.
> I got this email from this guy, could he be right???? Can I use a generator for a motor ???
> Please reply to roseroberts at shaw.ca Thanks so much!!!

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