[Kartbuilding] your mail

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Wed Aug 27 00:15:24 IST 2008

Hi Ash,

Apologies about the mix up with the measurements. The earlier plans I done 
were a mixture of centimeters and millimeters. Here is a round up of the 
plans and their measurements:

http://www.kartbuilding.net/racingkart/index.html  -> millimeters
http://www.kartbuilding.net/racingkart/Old_Racing_Kart/racingkart.htm  -> 
http://www.kartbuilding.net/Freeplans/plans.htm  -> centimeters (with 
millimeters in some places as indicated)
http://www.kartbuilding.net/Wooden_Go-Kart_Plans/index.html   -> 
http://www.kartbuilding.net/woodenkart/index.html  -> millimeters

Best of Luck,

On Mon, 25 Aug 2008, Ashley Bromley wrote:
> hi there i  was wondering weather  the measurements  were in ..... inches , cm or whaterver
> cheeres  ash
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