[Kartbuilding] Kart

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Fri Feb 8 13:05:00 GMT 2008

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for your email. Its great to see some photos of karts which are 
built using some of the information and plans on the www.kartbuilding.net 
website. I see you have made some good improvements with your version of 
the kart! That looks like a good engine you have there. Perhaps the seat 
could do with some side pieces with insulation, similar to:
http://www.kartbuilding.net/Freeplans/seat.htm The side supports will help 
a lot when cornering hard and doing donuts/spins! I see you have also 
added pieces to the front and rear bumpers. Is this to extend the front 
and rear end past the wheels?
I also like the photos of the bicycle with the engine! There are also some 
other well made karts to be seen on your imageshack gallery.

Would it be possible for me to use some of the photos on my own website? I 
generally like to include an article and some images on fellow karts built 
at: http://www.kartbuilding.net/other_karts/other_karts.html  If you 
agree, I can include your kart and a description of your build there also.

Also, to translate the kart plans and website into czech, there is the 
following coverter will work (although it might not be the best):

I hope to redo kartbuilding.net and to provide various translations on it.

Thank for your email and best of luck,

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008, Wassiliano de la Vega wrote:

> Hi
> I´m from czech republic and a 6 months ago i found your pages on web. I have decided to build the racing kart accordance with your plans. Then a lot of poeple in my country seek for the plans to build their own kart. I gave them reference on your site but lot of them don´t speak english then I have built a website about kartbuilding  in czech language and the czech or slovak people understand it. They start building a karts and first of them are finished.  If would like to see them watch a  http://profile.imageshack.us/user/wassil/
> We all would like to thank you for these plans.
> Vladimír Va?ek DiS

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