[Kartbuilding] solidworks kart

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Wed Jun 4 21:34:13 IST 2008

Hi Stefan,

If you look at the bottom of the following webpage:
there are links to available formats you can use to download a 3d CAD 
drawing of the kart. The eDrawing at:
provides a good viewer allowing you to section and measure the kart.

Also, this might be of some interest to you. A fellow kartbuilder built an 
elecrical kart. He was kind enough to provide a document of his completed 
project. It can be found on this webpage:
( http://www.kartbuilding.net/other_karts/Making_an_Electric_Vehicle.pdf )

I wish you the best of luck modifying the bodywork and electric motor. If 
you do manage to make/design the kart, feel free to email on photos and 
details which I can put on the kartbuilding website for other fellow 
kart builders and designers.

Best of luck,

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Stefan Bugeac wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am a student at tehnical university of Cluj Napoca, in Romania.
> I have to make a project of an kart, and searching the net I've found
> ur blog about karts. I found an chassis that u made in solid works and
> uploded to ur blog.
> So i was wondering if u made the hole Kart in solid works, and if u
> did if u are willing to send it to me. I am just an student so i dont
> afford to pay for it, but I'm willing to help u with what i can.
> My project is to take an standard kart, (like ur Tony kart) and modify
> its bodywork and motor so that it will have an electric engine with a
> chain transmission.
> If u can can help, please let me know. I can later show u the finish kart :)
> Many thanks,
> Stefan Buegac

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