[Kartbuilding] go kart. Wooden - Metal Karts

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Wed Jun 4 21:45:33 IST 2008

Hi John,

Im glad to hear your progressing onto making a metal based gokart. Once 
you get started, you will find it easier to cut and weld metal together, 
making a very strong and sturdy kart.
The first thing you want to look at is the type of chassis you want to 
make. There are a few sets of kart plans on the www.kartbuilding.net 
website which are mainly using metal chassis. Typically the three are:


Another good read would be the following email which discusses chassis 
design: http://lists.kartbuilding.net/2008-May/000556.html

Once you are decided on the type of chassis, you want to spend a good deal 
of time making the chassis. This will give you time as well to figure out 
the wheels and engine etc. Looking through the http://kartbuilding.net 
website will be very useful for you.

If you have any specific questions, just let me know.

Best regards,

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 04:55:45 -0400
From: john bob 
Subject: go kart

Hello, hows it going, as you might remember me because you helped me last 
summer make a wooden go kart, vertical
shaft. This summer�I Have decided to make another one with some 
advancements, so I thought�I�should contact
you.�It will have metal structure.
�I need you to guide me through the neccessary materials for it and some 
suggestion of how to build it. Also,
please send me some go kart plans, but�not too complicated.Reply.Thank 
you. John.


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