[Kartbuilding] Hi, quick question about the kart.

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Sat Aug 22 14:48:10 IST 2009

Hi Gareth,

The materials list on the "Old Racing Kart Plans.." is the same as the 
"Complete set of Racing Kart Plans". Actually the karts in both these 
plans are the same, so you can use both the plans to help you make the 
racing go-kart.

When I was making the racing kart, I took photos and made the Old plans. 
Then when I had time, I redone the plans to form the "complete set.."

Make sure you read over both of them sets of plans

and become familiar with all aspects. You'll then have to try and source 
as many parts as possible. Once you have the parts available, you can try 
piecing them together.

If you have any other specific questions, just ask.

Best of luck,

On Sat, 22 Aug 2009, Gareth Foster wrote:

> Hi, my name is Gareth.
> I was browsing the internet for go-kart plans and i was very impressed by yours. Im really thinking of
> giving it a go as i have engineered may other project but not just as complicated as this.
> From the website, kartbuilding.co.uk i see there are 2 different plan. I have read through all your material
> and will be using the first set, as reccommended by yourself. I was just wondering, with regards to materials,
> is using the materials list on the 'Old Racing Kart Plans in Photographic Format' the same as the 'Complete set of Racing Kart Plans'?
> If you had any other information it would be grateful.
> Many thanks.
> Gareth.
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