[Kartbuilding] About a Go kart

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Tue Jan 13 23:13:11 GMT 2009

Hi Stoney,

Thanks for your email.
Your two seater kart project sounds interesting. While I don't have any 
plans for a two-seater kart, I would be able to offer some advice 
regarding material choice etc. Because a two-seater kart would be wider, 
you would want larger diameter tubing (40mm). Your brother in law is very 
tall at 6'1"!! Your kart will need to be plenty strong enough for the both 
of yourselves. Along with an extra strong chassis using large diameter 
tubing, you will need some extra strong wheels. I suggest getting wheels 
from a small caravan or small trailer. These will be able to take a good 
weight and also a good fast speed.

I suggest spending plenty of time on the chassis/frame making sure its 
large enough and strong enough. Raise the chassis on blocks and get 
yourself and your brother in law to sit down on it (put down a few planks 
of wood to sit on) and see how well the chassis holds yourselves.

Apart from putting extra effort into the chassis, wheels and axles, the 
rest is pretty much the same. If you have any more specific questions, 
just email me.

Best of luck,

P.S. you might get some ideas from 

On Thu, 8 Jan 2009, Stoney England wrote:

> Hello my name is Stoney England.  I see that you had plans on the internet
> and it said that if we had something special that we wanted to build and it
> was not on your website to email you.  So here i go .  Me and my brother in
> law are wanting to build two gokarts that will accomodate a motorcycle
> engine.  Some were around a 750 to a 1000 suzuki.  Yes were crazy we know.
> But i love to build stuff and i dont know the first thing on a good setup
> for a go kart that will with hold the motor and us.  I am roughly 5'5" and
> my brother in law is 6'1" both about 190.  We aren't looking for role cages
> or anything off road.  We like the low raceing style of the one we see on
> the internet.  But i was hopeing to that maybe you could fill us in about
> what would be a good metal or tubeing and size.  If you could help us out
> that would be awesome.  And once they are built i will definetly send you
> some pics.
> Thank you very much
> Stoney England

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