[Kartbuilding] building a cart

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Thu Oct 15 20:01:00 IST 2009

Hi Sue,

Thanks for the email. Sorry for the slow reply.
Of course you will be able to make a kart which will work. In fact I have 
recently completed a set of kart plans to work with a lawnmower engine. 
Also included are details on getting the parts you need, from skips etc :)


I hope these plans help. While they might not look very cool and snazzy, 
it will work, and you all will have loads of fun building and racing it.

Best of luck,

On Tue, 29 Sep 2009, SUE POWELL wrote:

> Hi,any chance of any advice,ive got a newish 3.7 powerdevil lawnmower engine,doing nothing,and i mentioned to my boyfriend that we should build a go-kart for his kids,(13 and 15),he kind of laughed at the idea,in a way that has made me determined to build it come hell or high water.lol   can you assist me with any plans for an easy-ish(im pretty sure he wont be able to resist "helping the little woman" once i start.im quite practical and can use most tools so if not i think its a challenge i'll really relish.im also good at recycling stuff out skips etc. id really appreciate your advice.
> cheers
> sues

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