[Kartbuilding] Beginner in building go-karts

Stephen Burke stephen at sburke.eu
Sat Aug 14 17:54:49 IST 2010

Hi Manasa,

I'm not sure if you want to start off making a wooden go-kart and going
from there. Thats how I progressed through my years making go-karts.

Plans for the first go-kart I made are here:

I then made the following off-road kart with a metal frame. See the
following website for plans:

Finally I made a racing kart. Plans and details are at:

Making the wooden-kart is the easiest way to get started. Take a look
also at other peoples go-karts at:

If you have specific questions just ask.

Best of luck,

On 14/08/2010 06:19, Manasa Manjunath wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I am interested in building a kart. This is my first time and I have
> no prior experience in it. Could you please tell me where I can start
> as I have no background whatsoever. 
> Regards
> Manasa Manjunath

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