[Kartbuilding] plans?

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Wed Jul 7 23:27:49 IST 2010


The brakes are separate to the lawnmower engine.
The throttle cable and lever is meant to be taken off a lawnmower and 
attached to the wooden frame of the kart.

See the following page for the blueprint plans:

and in particular:

I hope this helps. If you have any further questions just shout.


On Wed, 7 Jul 2010, Cedrick Pierson wrote:

> I have a question on where the plans are for the lawnmower powered wooden go
> kart. How do you place on the lawnmower engine
> and the brakes and throttle? I didn't see where a...blue print or plan was.
> Can you help me out?

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