[Kartbuilding] How to build a go kart?

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Sat Jul 31 16:08:21 IST 2010

Hi Jordan,

You'll need to decide which kart you are going making first.

If you do not have a welder or access to someone who can weld, I suggest 
making the wooden kart.
Your next question then is if you want an engine to power the go-kart.

Take a look at the different plans:
1. Off-Road Kart
2. Racing Kart
3. Wooden Go-Kart

If you email me which kart you are going to make, I can tell you a 

Best of luck,

On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, Jordan Johnson wrote:

> Hello kart builders!
> My name is Jordan and Im from London.
> I just wanted to know the basics and what steps to take on how to build a Go
> kart...
> Can you give me a day to day plan please? If its not too much of a hastle.
> I want to build one with some mates of mine as a project.
> Thank you for your time,
> Jordan

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