[Kartbuilding] Kart design

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Tue Jun 8 19:35:53 IST 2010

Hi Rueben,

The type of kart you are looking for so would be the "Simple Wooden
Go-Kart" as on: http://www.kartbuilding.net/Wooden_Go-Kart_Plans/index.html

Old information about this kart can be found on:
A fellow kartbuilder submitted these photos of the kart he made:

Take a look through the following sections:
I know most of the karts there are in metal, but you might get some ideas.

As for how to "wow" the judges, it depends on what they are looking for.
Apart from the exact specifications was there anything else mentioned?
Perhaps you could make a "fold up" wooden kart. Storing karts in a
garage can take up a lot of room. Perhaps if you could have the wooden
kart either fold up easily or disassemble easily that would be a cool idea.

Best of luck,

On 25/05/2010 15:29, Chaibva, Rueben wrote:
> Hi
> My name is Rueben, and would request for some assistance. I am not a
> technical person but would like to participate in a charity
> non-motorized box cart race and as I am doing my research came through
> your website.
> Very interesting material you have there but I need a unique idea to
> wow the judges so that my design can qualify. Can you please assist,
> it has to be gravity driven, with no motor and must have a steering
> and braking system. It must not weigh more than a 100kg and not more
> that 1.5m in width, 3m in length, 2m in height.
> The closing date is the 2^nd of July 2010 but I need to finalize on
> the design.
> I would be looking forward to hear from you and any contribution to
> the design will be greatly appreciated
> Sunny regards
> Rueben Chaibva

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