[Kartbuilding] need some information

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Tue Jun 8 19:40:33 IST 2010


It would be feasible to add gears to the drive of a go-kart.

Go-karts with a single speed can be limited. Typically they have either
a fast top speed, or high torque (take-off) with medium speed.
All my go-karts have a transmission, typically off a motorbike engine
which provides gears and a clutch.

You will see some of the modifications I done to gearboxes and engines
on: http://www.kartbuilding.net/gallery/v/Kart_Clearance_and_Memories/

Another idea would be to look at making an Electrical powered Kart.
Electrical vehicles are becoming very popular these days. A similar
report was done by a fellow kartbuilder and can be found at:
Perhaps you could build upon this and improve it.

Best of luck,

On 21/05/2010 03:03, sunny royal wrote:
> hello sir,
>             i m a student of BE in mechanical engineering. as a final
> year project, i m thinking of making GO KART. so i need some
> information about what could be new modification on present go kart
> that use some engineering. we are thinking of adding power
> transmission (gears). would it be fisible? plz help us with some new
> ideas. 

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