[Kartbuilding] Kart Plans...
Stephen Burke
sburke at burkesys.com
Mon Mar 29 21:25:17 IST 2010
Hi Renaud,
Thanks for your email, comments and feedback. I take it you were referring
to the Simple Wooden Go-Kart at:
I agree totally with your suggestions. What I may do, is to add on a
section on the bottom of the above page, outlining some extra recommended
safety precautions which can be taken. The more I think of it, the more I
do think it is required.
Thanks for your suggestions on using the rope for steering. I never
actually thought of it as allowing the kart to be towed! Good idea.
I also like the idea of fitting straps for the childs feet so they won't
slip. An old belt could even be adapted for this purpose.
Perhaps if you do manage to make one or two of the karts, you could email
me some photos of these extra modifications which can be done to improve
the friendliness of the kart. This would help make the section extremely
Thanks again for the tips and information. If you think of anything else
or get some photos I'd be more than happy to hear them and put them on the
kartbuilding website for others to see.
Best of luck,
On Thu, 25 Mar 2010, Renaud SPENCER wrote:
> Hi there! Excellent instructions on how to build a child's kart. I am about to build two for my grandsons. However, as you ask for comments, mine follow - I hope they may be of interest/help/use. In the interests of post-crash safety (yet not pandering to the terrible Health & Safety brigade...) I would try to round off as many corners as possible, in particular the upper front corners of the "tub". using my trusty power jigsaw (which most DIY-ers seem to have nowadays). The pointed forward end of the "spine" would also be softened by rounding off to avoid possible impalements to nippers! I would strongly advocate the "as standard" use of the rope "option" you mention, as this not only allows towing of the kart (providing another appealing use for the kids), but when used in conjunction with the foot steering, builds confidence, especially to those all-important new users, by giving positive location of the feet on the steering-bar using the "push-pull" principle (similar t
o the positive location provided by "rat-trap" pedal straps on bicycles). With best wishes and many thanks for an admirably produced article, Renaud Spencer.
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