[Kartbuilding] Go Kart differential

Stephen Burke stephen at sburke.eu
Tue Jun 7 23:57:41 IST 2011

Hi Jake,

Thanks for your email. I'm glad your finding the kartbuilding.net
website useful.

Regarding using a differential, it will work, but will take some work.
You could use a centrifugal clutch and chain drive, which would be the
best, however I never tried running a chain on its side. I don't think
it would work.

The easiest would be to use a belt drive, and an idler pulley wheel.
By using the diff, you wouldn't have to twist the belt and it would work
You would have a pulley wheel on the engine, one on the differential
(pointing up) and a 3rd pulley wheel moving on a lever arm which would
move in against the belt to tension it and act as a clutch.

Just thinking some more......
You could use two differentials.
You might be able to connect the drive shaft of the engine directly to
one differential (with a suitable coupler). You'd then use a chain drive
and centrifugal clutch from the first differential to drive the rear axle.
It'd be messy.

I've attached a few images of more ideas to this email. They may spark
some ideas.
Let us know how it goes.

Best of luck,

On 05/06/2011 16:16, Jake Power wrote:
> Hi how are you ,Have a quick question if you don't
> mind. I'm incorporating a lawn mower engine with a vertical drive
> shaft into an off road go kart project.So i have had some trouble
> finding out how to change this into horizontal power. But after
> finding your site everything is lot clearer its full of info great
> site.Now for the question if I were to use a car diff how would i put
> a clutch into the system.Could I some how attach a
> central fugal clutch or something along those lines....
> Thanks for your time and help..........
>  Jake Power

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