[Kartbuilding] Go Kart weight question

Stephen Burke stephen at sburke.eu
Tue May 17 20:47:32 IST 2011

Hi Kim,

While I can't say for definite, I myself would put the extra weight
around the drivers seat so as not to unbalance the kart in a negative
way. Racing kart chassis are designed in such a way to distribute the
weight of the driver correctly (with the majority of the weight coming
from the drivers seat).

While placing 80% of the weight in the front may reduce the chance of
spinning out, it may slow the kart down and make steering more difficult
and heavy.

I'd put the weight around the seat. I'd also do a few test runs.

Best of luck in the race!

On 19:59, Kim wrote:
> Hi Steve;  my grandson and I got into go kart racing.  The track
> requires all karts to weigh in at 275 lbs including rider, fuel, the
> kart.  He is 30 lbs under the required weight.  I purchased thirty
> pounds of lead weight.  Where should I place these weights?  Would
> placing 80% of the weight in the front decrease the chance in spinning
> out at corners.
> Kim Deans
> 6603 Collins Bay
> Regina, SK.

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