[Kartbuilding] Complete Set of Free Racing Kart Plans.

Stephen Burke stephen at sburke.eu
Mon Sep 24 23:55:51 IST 2012

Hi Rakesh,

Thank you for your email and kind comments.

Yes, there are some details missing from the Racing Go-Kart. I need to
create a complete Parts list and matching place to buy each part.
The best place to get an engine, brakes, drive & transmission is from an
old motorbike. You can use a small motorcycle engine. You can use the
brakes off the front of a motorbike and attach to the live rear axle.
You can also use the sprockets and chains for the transmission.
For the bearings, you need to decide if you have enough money to buy new
ones. New bearings can be expensive.
You may be able to get old bearings from old scrapped machinery. You
will have to ask some local people to see if they know of any
scrapyards, or any motorcycle repair shops.

I hope this information helps.
Best of luck,

On 20/09/2012 20:25, Rakesh Kewalramani wrote:
> Dear Mr. Burke,
> Your captioned article has been very informative and helpful, I thank
> you for the same. I am in the process of assembling a racing Go Kart.
> Whilst your article provides all the inputs in details, i am trying to
> procure information on engines, brakes, bearings, drive &
> transmission. I have downloaded information from other articles, It is
> not in details and in the format your article provides.
> Could you please assist me with these details?
> Thank you
> Best regards
> Rakesh Kewalramani

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