[Kartbuilding] (no subject)

Stephen Burke stephen at sburke.eu
Sun Jun 9 22:18:17 IST 2013

Hi Mathew,

Yes - the springs in a centrifugal clutch have a lot of tension. You
wouldn't be able to stretch them by hand! What you could maybe do is to
shorten the length of the springs you have by cutting a piece off them
and making a new hook part at the end. It may not work however and the
spring could break.

Hope the kart goes well for you!
Best of luck,

On 05/06/2013 10:42, mathewjoubert wrote:
> Hey there I'm matt from south africa.. Wonder if you can help me man. I got a nice big gokart from a mate but as usual they drove the piss out of it and when it broke they got rid of it! Problem is the centrifugal clutch was missing springs... I imagine those springs must have a fair amount of tension? I had fairly thin ones in then the engine would not rev up and it wanted to go but I could hold it back...... 

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