[Kartbuilding] Building your kart!

Stephen Burke stephen at sburke.eu
Sun Jan 5 21:30:34 GMT 2014

Hi Jesse,

You could easily fit a 9-13hp engine on the off-road kart.
There is loads of room on the right-hand side of the kart to fit a large
engine ( http://www.kartbuilding.net/Freeplans/Kart1.htm )

It could be modified to become a racing kart. The main thing to change
would be the wheels. You'd want wider tyres.

Best of luck,

On 07/12/2013 03:47, Jesse Kumer wrote:
> hi i am interested in building your off road cart and i was wondering
> if i could fit a 9 or 11-13 hp engine on it. Also i was wondering if
> it could be modified somewhat to become a racing kart?
> pleas email me back it is much appreciated 

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