[Kartbuilding] Fwd: Kart Building

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 19:34:58 IST 2006


Unforunately I never went to make an inventory of all the items
required to build a kart and the associated online shops to provide
the parts.
Id say google is your best bet. You know that you can buy a flat pack
of a kart and put it togethor yourself if you want. It saves time and
hassle. You could adapt if then to be a 2 seater etc.
Another option is to ask someone/ engineering shop to cut out the
parts for you to a "Parts list" that you would give them. They would
provide the steel and to the required lengths. All you would have to
do is to weld them all togethor and bolt on the rest.
Best of Luck

> Hello I am a Soldier deployed to Iraq and would like to build a really nice
> off road go kart for my boys to use together.  I have a 10 and an 8 yr old
> or they will be soon and would like to start a project with them of us
> building a very safe kart that they can use and I can sit in with them no
> more than two people at a time.  I do not have the shop to cut the steel but
> would like to buy the parts and put it together in my garage.  Can you
> advise me on what to do?
> Thanks
> God Bless
> Bill McCoy
> Sincerely,
> Bill McCoy

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