[Kartbuilding] Fwd: axle

Stephen Burke kartbuilding at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 10:00:18 IST 2006

That frame is way too small for a kart with an engine in it. I would
try and make the frame bigger, or try and manufacture a bigger frame.
You have very little space to put an engine and the linkage to the
rear axle. - It would be much easier if you had more room.

Also for the rear wheels I would try and use bycycle wheels also.
Solid plastic wheels of a lawnmower will be terrible when going fast
and unstable.
Try to get tyres/wheels with air in them.

Get an axle / steel bar 1meter long. Weld/bolt the wheels to the rear
axle. Put pieces of pipe onto the axle also. Bolt/weld the pieces of
pipe to the chassis. This will allow the axle to spin inside teh
pieces of pipe and propel the kart forward.

If you dismantle the carburattor on the engine you will be able to see
a butterfly valve underneath the air filter. You should be able to
connect up a small cable via a throttle lever/pedal to make the engine
go faster.

Get a "CENTRIFICAL" clutch for the engine. This type of clutch
automatically disengages when the engine slows down.
It is used on chainsaw engines and you should be able to adapt it to
suit the lawnmower engine.
BEst of Luck with the Project!

On 7/29/05, charlie graham
> my friend nd i r tryin to build a go kart/ bike thing. were using a GT frame
> nd a lawnmower engine. we used a bike fork nd wheel 4 the front nd 2 lil
> lawnmower wheels 4 the bak. but wut we were wunderin was how to conect the
> axle to the GT, but alowin the axle to spin. We were also wonderin how to
> control the throtle of the lawmower engine and how to set up the clutch to
> engage/disengage to be able to idle the kart. thx. nd if u have any ideas 4
> us or suggestions just email bak. thx

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