[Kartbuilding] Types Kart Engines

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Mon Jul 2 12:54:33 IST 2007

Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 13:08:38 +0200
From: mgolu24 
To: Stephen Burke 
Subject: Re: Types Kart Engines


Yea i know that cubic capacity (cc) of an engine is not a power measure that
its only the free room at the cilinder head when its puseed to the bottom

The twin engine kart looks cool :), but i think a 100cc class automatic
would be for me. Thanks for the info on everything, and keep up your kart
building site ;) its nice.

Best regards,

2007/7/2, Stephen Burke:
> Hi,
> I recently wrote an article cover different classes/types of racing karts.
> The article is at:
> http://blog.kartbuilding.net/2007/06/28/safety-factors-for-designing-and-building-go-karts/
> and specifically talks about the NatSKA which outlines 16 different
> classes of karts. Their regulations and handbook outlining this
> information can be found at:
> http://www.natska.co.uk/handbook/2007.pdf
> When talking specifically about engines used on racing karts, there are a
> few types.
> 1. 100cc engines with very high rev's per minute (+20,000rpm)
> 2. 250cc engines with medium rpm
> 3. 2 x 160cc engines (twin engined go-karts
> http://www.kartbuilding.net/gallery/v/Commercial_Karts-Photos_and_Details/DSC02143.JPG.html
> )
> 4. 125cc engines with a gearbox.
> Typically engines do not go above 250cc because they become very heavy,
> and the main objective in a kart is to have it as light as possible.
> Also - typically racing engines do NOT have a gearbox, as it can be slow
> to shift up through the gears. This is the reason there are 100cc engines
> with very high RPM (+20,000).
> Also, the Cubic Capacity (cc) of an engine, is NOT a measure of how
> powerful it is!!! A 100cc engine can be as powerful as a 250cc engine!!!
> The power output of engines are measured in KiloWatts and Horsepower.
> Only at the very high end of race karting, is modification carried out on
> the engine. Where ANY modifications are carried out on an engine to obtain
> more Kilowatts/Horsepower, the LIFETIME of the engine is SEVERELY
> reduced!! These engines get rebuilt after every 5-10 races.
> Perhaps take the idea of the twin-engined go-kart if you want to try and
> get as much Horsepower as possible. Photos can be found at:
> http://www.kartbuilding.net/gallery/v/Commercial_Karts-Photos_and_Details/
> Best of Luck,
> -steve

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