[Kartbuilding] May I get some help? - Making the Wooden Kart Safe

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Tue Nov 20 16:02:31 GMT 2007

Hi Michelle,

Details for brakes which can be used on the wooden kart can be found at:
The brakes are the "horse-shoe" type used on bycycles.

Details for a seat with Side support which prevents the driver from 
sliding out of the seating area on sharp turns can be found at:
The seat/chair used is commonly found in schools.

Once the above chair is used, then it will be easy to setup a seatbelt to 
be used in conjunction.

Best of Luck,

On Sun, 18 Nov 2007, Michelle Pranoto wrote:

> Hi steve,
> thank you for your information.
> Me, my teacher and my classmate was still disscussing about this
> wooden kart. we actually planned to make the wooden kart that is in
> your site, but we need to think about the safetyness we wanted it to
> safe because we are going to race it down the hill. When we had the
> meeting with our parents, the parents say that the go kart in your
> site is good but we need to make the breaks and may be seatbelt! If
> you have any information about this wooden go kart please email me!
> thank you very much
> Sincerely,
> michelle

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