[Kartbuilding] parts for karts

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Sat Feb 7 15:37:27 GMT 2009


If you have some money you can buy the materials/metal in a DIY/Hardware 
store. Otherwise, your best bet would be to go to a scrapyard. If you knew 
a motorbike repair shop, they would have lots of useful parts for a kart, 
such as chains and sprockets, brake discs, gas pedal cables etc.

Also as your neighbours if they have any pieces of plywood or steel that 
you could use.
You could also look to getting an old trolley (hand trolley etc.) and use 
some parts off that.

Best of Luck,

On Thu, 5 Feb 2009, jwingman10 wrote:

> where could i find parts and metal for the on-road go kart plan

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