[Kartbuilding] addition to your web site

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Thu Oct 22 23:29:53 IST 2009

Hi Dale,

Thanks for the Excel file.
I have added it to the website. It can be found at:

I also added an image to help. I hope you are ok with this.

Thanks and best of luck,

On Fri, 16 Oct 2009, samohtelad wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> Thank you for the note and for including my little worksheet on your site.  It's a pleasure to have it there.
> I attached the sheet to this message.
> If you see problems, have questions or want modifications let me know.
> I used colors to clarify input cell use for download users.  If you don't want the colors I can remove them and add some text to explain the input cells if you think its needed.  If desired we'll just remove text color references.
> The calculations in red do not have to be *shown* on the web page, but those calculations are used for the MPH calculations.
> When I included my email address in the previous article I included the phrase "nospamatall" inside the address so I wouldn't get spam from web crawlers.  Please update the address by including that phrase inside the email as follows samohtelad*nospamatall*@aol.com
> Thanks,
> Dale
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Burke
> To: samohtelad
> Cc: kartbuilding
> Sent: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 1:45 pm
> Subject: Re: addition to your web site
> Hi Dale,
> Thanks for your email. Good to hear from you again. Glad to see you are still involved in a bit of kart building and gear ratios :)
> If you have the excel file done, feel free to email it on, and I'll put it up with your original article. Also, if you want to update your email address etc. on the website ( www.kartbuilding.net/kart_speed ) just let me know the details.
> I know many people found your article useful, and for many an Excel file would be useful for them to calculate their gear/sprocket ratios.
> Best of luck,
> -steve
> On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, samohtelad wrote:
>> Hi Steven,
>> ?
>> This is Dale Thomas again.??
>> I'm?happy to see?your go kart building?site is still up and running?and that is has?grown so nicely.
>> ?
>> In 2004 I?wrote an article "How to Find the Speed of You Go Kart"? that your generous enough to include on your web site.? Seeing it after all this time has passed?I understand your previous comment about it being "a little?wordy."? (-:?? You were right !
>> ?
>> Anyway, I recently wrote an EXCEL worksheet that allows the user to input the number of teeth on?the engine and the drive?shaft?sprockets, the tire diameter and engine RPM.???The worksheet calculates those?variables into MPH and KPH.
>> ?
>> I have the worksheet set up in two sections that fit side by side on the same page.? The left side of the page handles?two sprocket karts and?the?right hand?section?has inputs for jack shaft sprockets.? Both sides share the same tire diameter and engine RPM, but I can easily change that if desired.
>> ?
>> If you want to include the worksheet on your site I would be happy to see it there.? I have not learned HTML code, so I can not put the worksheet in?HTML format for?your web page.?? If you have someone who can do that then that's fine.? If you want to allow the worksheet to be downloaded directly from your site by readers?that's OK.? If you want readers to contact me for the worksheet that's OK, too.?? Its free and I have no products to sell and will not spam anyone.? That's an ugly thing to do.?
>> If you can use the sheet just let me know and I'll sent?a working version to you.??All I ask is that you give writer credit and copyright notice to me, as you were kind enough to do for the original article.
>> ?
>> Thank you,
>> Dale Thomas

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