[Kartbuilding] complete set of free racing kart plans

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Mon Mar 29 20:07:18 IST 2010

Hi Colby,

Thanks for your email. Unfortunately I don't have a complete Parts List 
for the complete set of racing kart plans at:

If you go through the above plans you will be able to write a list of the 
things you need.
As for materials, make sure you get plenty of 1" (25mm) steel tubing for 
the frame. Apart from that some flat steel bar will be useful. Besides 
materials you will need an engine, wheels, steering wheel, seat, nuts, 
bolts and washers.

There are photos of the build process at: 
http://kartbuilding.net/racingkart/Old_Racing_Kart/racingkart.htm also.

If you have any specific questions, just ask.

Best of luck,

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010, Colby Washington wrote:

> this is a student from Hamilton high school of HHamilton Ohio and i plan on using the complete set of free racing kart plans for my senior project and i wold like to know is there an complete parts list and the quantity that will be needed to build this kart and if so could it be sent to colbyww79 at yahoo.com your help and your kart plans are greatly appreciated.

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