[Kartbuilding] (no subject)

Stephen Burke stephen at sburke.eu
Tue Oct 12 20:17:57 IST 2010

 Hi Mike,

Are you looking for places to sort the parts for the kart?
Let me know what parts you are looking for.

I got the 4 wheels off old wheelbarrows from a building site.
You can use any engine, but it would be best if you can get one from a
small motorbike.
I know that if you can get an old motorbike/scooter there are a lot of
bits you can use off it. E.g. you can use the brakes, chain & sprockets,
brake and accelerator cables.

If you have any issues getting any parts, let me know and I'll see if I
can suggest where to get them.
Ebay might also be a good place to get some items.

Best of luck,

On 11/10/2010 22:07, Michael Crivici wrote:
> Hey, i'm Mike i attend at high Tech High North County. For class we
> are trying to build a go kart using the same design that you created.
> I was wonder what good ideas or plans do you have for me and my class
> to get the products you used to make it successful thanks. 

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