[Kartbuilding] Front stub axles and Kingins. Off road Karts

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Tue Mar 1 21:35:49 GMT 2011

Hi Ron,

Thanks for your email and comments. I'm glad you are finding the
kartbuilding.net website useful.

I see what you mean regarding "closeness of the wheel to the actual king
pin". To put it another way, you are wondering how long the front "Stub
Axles" should be and if there is an ideal length.

Off-Road Kart Stub Axle  - http://kartbuilding.net/Freeplans/faxle.htm
Racing Kart Stub Axle -

The length of the Stub Axle shouldn't matter too much, but I would try
and keep as little as possible. I know for the Off-road kart however I
left some extra room in case I wanted to fit brakes to the front wheels.
Also, whatever length of Stub Axle you choose, make sure that the front
wheel will turn from right to left fully without hitting the chassis.

I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes and if you have any other

Best of luck,

On 01/03/2011 02:28, Ron wrote:
> G'day Stephen,  I have looked at your plans for some time now and have
> gained much in understanding some of the basics of Kart building. 
> Thank you for an excellent presentation of the information.
> I have one question which arises from modifying an off road two man
> billy cart to which I wish to fit a steering mechanism based on your
> off road cart design.
> I will be using the existing 16" BMX style wheels and this
> necessitates supporting the slim axle or hub at each end.
> Is there any "ideal" for the closeness of the wheel to the actual king
> pin?   I note that your off road cart design appears to have quite
> extended axles as compared to the racing Kart.  Also bought components
> appear to be very compact in keeping the wheel close to the kingpin.
> Thank you.  By the way I do intend to work with the castor, camber and
> Ackerman guide lines.
> Regards,  Ron Nicholl

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