[Kartbuilding] Costs

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Thu Dec 6 23:44:26 GMT 2012

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for your kind comments on the racing kart plans. I'm glad to hear
you find them useful. There are a lot of plans available however most
people seem to want to make money from selling them.

Although it has been a while since I made a complete kart, I suggest the
core materials and parts would cost €100.
This would cover the steel to make the chassis, the axles, pedal shafts,
steering column and track rods, and various bolts, nuts and washers.
The €100 would not include wheels, engine, or brakes, or bearings.

You can make things as cheap or as costly as you like.
An example of making a cheap rear axle, can be seen at the bottom of the
following page:
Instead of using bearings, you can use a piece of pipe to act as a

I found that an engine would cost around €100. The wheels can cost from
€0 to 100's. I got an old 'donor' crashed go-kart for €100 and from
which I got wheels, axles and bearings. You need to keep a look out for
cheap bargins.

Best of luck,

On 26/11/2012 02:11, Nathan Hollett wrote:
> I've been looking around for racing Kart plans for a while, and I must
> say yours are so far, by far, the best.
> I was just wondering what are the costs of making one of these by
> going by your plans not including the motor and any additional things
> not included in the plans.
> Please reply and also with a list of the things that are not included
> in the expenses.
> Thanks,
> Nathan

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