[Kartbuilding] Unusual Question

Stephen Burke stephen at sburke.eu
Mon Oct 29 18:58:28 GMT 2012

Hi Karen,

Using an Electric motor to power the kart would be a safe and controlled
way of powering the kart. A fellow kartbuilder made an electrical
go-kart before. See their write-up on it:

Apart from that, maybe the boys could make a wooden go-kart with a chain
drive and pedals?
That would be a good compromise, and they should be able to get parts
from old bicycles.

Best of luck,

On 28/10/2012 18:27, Karen Tosh wrote:
> HI!
> I have a VERY unusual question.  I am the mother of two boys, 7 and 4
> years old.  We have about 8 or 10 other boys that live on our street,
> so while we would be fine building a go kart with an engine that we
> could monitor our kids and teach them how to safely drive one, we are
> NOT comfortable with the responsibility of having 10 young boys who
> are also learning to manage their burgeoning testosterone.  That being
> said, I am wondering if there is ANY other unconventional way to make
> a go-kart go...think outside of the box...rubber bands, wind, who
> knows...the sky's the limit.  Like I said, unusual, but I thought you
> MIGHT have heard of some creative ways to get your go kart to go :)
> Thanks,
> Karen
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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