[Kartbuilding] keep up the good work

Stephen Burke sburke at burkesys.com
Wed Jul 11 13:09:03 IST 2007

Hi Caine,

Thanks for your email and good comments. Im glad you find the 
www.kartbuilding.net website useful.
If you have pics of some of your carts, feel free to email them onto (with 
a small description if you like) and I can share them on the 
www.kartbuilding.net website allowing other people to get ideas for 
building karts.

Thanks again,

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007, caine wallace wrote:

> i just wanted to say great web site, and thanks for all the information you supply, i have built many go carts and mini bikes over the time, and is like to say your plans for the racing cart are some of the best free plans i have ever happen to come across, keep up the good work and if u ever need any thing or any help just email me ill be glad to help and i can also do CAD drawings if u need any done.
> i will also have to take some pics of the carts i have and send them to you.

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